Update: Level 7 in CashMagnet

Attribution: Author’s Own Work
Caption: I finally got to Level 7

Level 7 has been available for CashMagnet for at least a few weeks now but I have only just taken steps to get to Level 7, waiting for the bugs to be worked out. There’s not much more I can contribute besides what’s already on CashMagnet’s Reddit page and its website. There’s also a Youtube video that walks you through how to get to Level 7.

The video (not mine; someone else made it) doesn’t appear to be made by CashMagnet, but they link to it on its own website. Here’s the video:


This video is the main reason why this blog post is so short: there’s no need to recreate the wheel.

The only thing I want to add is that it may take several tries to get the program to properly install on the phone (works on 4.4 Kit Kat!). It appears that the order in which you complete the steps is important. Only when I messed around with the order of when the l plugged in the phone or opened the installer, did I get it to work; it only took a few minutes of experimenting though.


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