Update: Swagbucks Shop Review

Recently I blogged about Swagbucks Shop. One thing I mentioned was how Swagbucks pays out the Shop SB most of the time, but on occasion they do not. I guestimated that about 5% of my Shop sessions didn’t get paid, even after submitting a ticket. I used a particular example as a case in point, but wanted to provide an update to it.

Recall that I had one hotel stay worth several thousand SB that did not credit. And despite submitting a ticket to Swagbucks, they initially refused to payout. But not paying out isn’t what got me upset, but fake reason they gave. It was a boilerplate email that didn’t apply to my Shop session at all. In response, I expressed my displeasure at Swagbuck’s inadequate email saying that if they wanted to reject my ticket, they were going to have to provide a better explanation than a cut-and-paste email.

About a week ago Swagbucks sent me an email asking for additional information concerning this contested Shop session. They wanted screen shots of the hotel confirmation email and other information to substantiate my claim. I did this and about 2-3 days later, Swagbucks gave me my SB.

So I’m uploading this blog post to explain that Swagbucks did make good on this Shop session. It took a while, but they did the right thing. I will continue to use Swagbucks Shop (and recommend others do as well), but it’s a good idea to document everything you can concerning the purchase in case you need to submit a ticket.


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