Discussion: Swagbucks App's Videos Not Crediting?

Attribution: Author’s Own Work

Over the last few months, my Swagbucks video apps have been running relatively smoothly, with me consistently getting 70+ SB per day. The only thing I had to do was switch apps when I maxed out the one currently running.

However, over the past few days, I noticed that even though all 7 apps were running just fine, only 6 were crediting:  SBTV, EntertaiNow TV, MovieCli.ps, IndyMusic, Sportly TV and Lifestylz. The one that wasn’t crediting was the Swagbucks app (see above picture for the icon on an Android phone). The following blog post discusses this problem and how I was able to fix it.

The Problem

The problem was weird, because the app was running perfectly. The app would count down the number of videos I needed to earn another 2SB and after “getting” 10SB, it would go into the bonus rounds or say I was done for the day. The only thing wrong was that when I checked my activity ledger on the Swagbucks’ website, the 2SB didn’t show up. So instead of making 70+ SB per day, I was only making 60+.

The Solution

I simply uninstalled the Swagbucks app, then reinstalled it. Now when I play videos, it actually credits me the 2SB. Hopefully this is a permanent fix. I’ll keep you guys updated if I discover anything new.


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