Explanation: How Much Can I Make? Part 1
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This title represents one of the most common questions new or
prospective GPT users ask. Unfortunately
there is no definite answer. The best quick answer I can give you is that you
can expect to make anywhere from a few
cents to a few dollars each day. Some savvy users can make upwards of $20
each day, but it gets very close to becoming a full-time job in the amount of
time and effort it takes to maintain that level of earnings. At that point, you
need to start thinking about whether you should just get a regular job and
maybe get some tax free benefits, like health insurance.
The following series of blog posts aim to explain the many variables
that will determine how much you can make online. Some of these warrant their
own blog topic, so I won’t go into tremendous detail here. However, I have
plans for upcoming blog posts that will go more in-depth.
Who You Are and Where You Live
The primary way GPT companies make money is to get information about
its users. GPT sites want to learn all about your Internet browsing habits,
your desires, wishes, your family, and so on. This information can then be sold
to advertisers and other third parties. But the advertisers only want data
about specific people (their prospective customers). For example, a baby food
company is probably looking to advertise to women between the ages of 22 and 40
who have children under the age of 3 or are pregnant or about to get pregnant.
This doesn’t mean grandparents, father or teen siblings don’t ever make baby
food purchase decisions, but it allows the baby food company to make the most
of its advertising dollar.
In another example, an advertiser may only market a product, such as a
lottery ticket, in a particular state. Therefore, they only want to advertise
to users who live or work in that state. It doesn’t make sense for an advertising
company to make GPT users in Texas watch ads about the New York lottery.
So GPT users who don’t fit an advertiser’s ideal profile won’t have the
same opportunities to make money as those who do fit the advertiser’s target
profile. When a non-ideal GPT users watches videos, there will be fewer ads
available to run on their laptop, tablet or smartphone. If they want to take a
survey, there may be fewer surveys available . If they’re looking for offers to
complete, they may see a smaller number available on their offer wall.
How Much Time and Effort You’re
Willing to Spend
It’s simple: the more time and effort you put forth, the more money you
make. If you take a more passive approach to GPT earnings, you’ll spend less
time, but you’ll also earn less. However, when you calculate how much money
you’re making per hour, passive earning is usually much more profitable. For
example, you might make 50 cents each day with the CashMagnet smartphone app.
But if you’re spending only 2 minutes each day checking up on it, that equates
to about $15 per hour. If only there was a way to multiply these passive
earnings…oh wait, there is and it’s often referred to as phone farming. This
will be a topic for another blog post.
If you’re willing to grind it out with more active GPT tasks, such as
offers and surveys, you can make several dollars each day. But this will
require several hours of time. This sounds pretty lousy and compared to a real
job and it is. But if you were going to spend that time just lounging around watching
TV or doing nothing productive, it’s easy money.
One thing to keep in mind is that it’s very difficult and almost
impossible to consistently earn money
through GPT programs that exceeds minimum wage. You can sometimes do it for a
few hours or days on occasion when you get some very easy and high paying surveys
and offers to credit, but they quickly run out, and you’re back to make $1 (or
less) per hour. Even the most experienced and well setup phone farmers out
there probably don’t exceed more than a few dollars each hour (although much of
that is earned passively).
Time of year
Pop quiz: What’s the biggest (or at least one of the biggest) shopping
time of the year? The Christmas holiday season! This means advertisers are
flush with ads to run on many GPT sites from Thanksgiving to Christmas Day. And
often, these videos are fully or semi-passive, allowing users to set up the
video on their phone or computer and walk away to do something else. In my
experience, I can make anywhere from $1 to $3 each day per account per GPT
website. For example, in the month of December, my spare laptop pulls in about
$2.50 each day running EarnHoney videos and it’s fully passive. I literally set
it up each morning and let it run all day and night. The following morning, I
sign out and sign back in (sometimes EarnHoney will automatically sign you out
every 24 hours) and get another video playlist up and running for another 24
hours. My wife also has a spare laptop where she can earn the same amount of
money. So that’s about $5 each day with only about 5 minutes of total work
between my wife and I. But once January hits, we’ll be lucky to make 20 cents
per day per laptop. Usually, it’s far less. We usually switch our laptops over
to a different GPT site, like instaGC or Swagbucks or just shut down the
laptops for a few weeks at a time.
As you can see, there are a lot of things that can affect how much
money you can make. But I’ll discuss even more things in my next blog post.
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